I am not gonna give up. thats what suddenly float into my head.I suddenly feel like whats the point of having a life if all you gonna do with it is bitch and moan? So earlier today, i made up a timetable for my daily life. I'm not a big fan of timetable but i thought i give it a shot.I feel a bit positive afterwards.Positive for a girl who is sick and didn't go to school for three days.*sigh* im not lazy, i just am sick..and i don't even know the reasons why.
Anyways, i spent the three days sleeping. I know. weird but thats what i do. I didn't actually surf the internet..half of it is because i get all dizzy and weird after surfing the internet and half of it is because the connection is slow..shrug..a teenager remains a teenager eh? I'm actually sick typing these words..what's wrong with me? im so fragile.